Monday, July 18, 2011

We've been TRADED

One word that I found very unique from the football conference that we attended was "traded".  Several of the wives used that term to refer to the fact that their hubby had lost his job at one school and had moved to another school.  I heard the word traded more in those two days than I've heard it my entire life.  I honestly felt sorry for those families that had in fact been "traded." Some told stories of being traded many, many times! At the same time, I felt blessed that my husband had been coaching at the same school for 12 years, and confident in the fact that we were there to stay....or so I thought!!!  As part of a reduction in force that our county had for the upcoming school year, Billy lost his job.  I can honestly say that I was more upset with the thought of losing the football team than the loss of the teaching job. I old Billy it was like a death...I had lost my babies!  I have been there to watch these guys grow from silly boys who had tons to learn to mature young men who have an amazing chance to win the State Championship this year!  The transformation that I watched was like watching  my own two children grow and learn.  Could this really be happening?!?!?  It was...and still is.  Football is going on without us. 
   Currently, Billy is still looking for a teaching job with hopes that he can jump in and coach soon.  I'm still tying to find my place in this entire mess!  I so want to be part of the team that I watched mature and helped grow (thanks to more desserts than we can mention).  At this point, I am doing a wait and see approach.  Guess I am ready for the actual season to begin.  My plans are to attempt to go to a game and see how it feels.  I KNOW in my heart of hearts that is won't be the same.  However at the same time, I have NO CLUE what to do on a Friday night that doesn't involve football!  I still keep in touch with the players via Facebook and my desserts are still on their minds!

Just keep our family in your prayers as we journey into this next chapter of our life.  Right now the biggest question for us is....are we "Traded" to another team or do we just retire and enjoy an occasional Friday Night Football Game?!?!